Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Night of 17JUN2014

It has been more than 12 hours since this dream, so I apologize for its vague description. It was very vivid, though, so I am able to remember the crucial parts.

There was some sort of party or BBQ going on at my place. Some famous comedian--can't remember his name--was there, and he told me about a concert. He said, "...if you like MSF (it was implied that he meant the Edgar Winter Group), then you should go to this concert." He handed me a flier. The bands listed all had the word 'Hell' in their name. Hell Yeah. Hellilah. Hellya. Helliyo. Tons of bands with hell in their name.

My girlfriend, after drinking the entire night, returned home. It was late, and we lived in a house I've never been in before. She was surprised that I felt let-down because she hadn't invited me to drink.

She brought a man home with her. Initially, I believed it to be a police officer, since he was yelling at her and questioning her about drugs (my girlfriend does not do drugs at all--or drink, for that matter). The man took her into another room and I overheard their conversation. He was strip-searching her for meth. When they exited the room, she was naked, but getting clothed.

I soon learned that his name was Robbity, and he was not a cop.

The man left, and the scene changed. I was now in a sterile kitchen with a lean man reminiscent of Archie, from the comics. He was telling me about how he had purchased an entire pail of pitch for his construction crew. While transporting it, he was pulled over by the police. They smelled the pitch--and then my alarm went off.


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